Patch Notes 4.5.1

- Adjusted the crafting prices of glyphs
- Added Elemental Omnistone Cube exchange to Reonan
- Added possibility to transmute stat pets in transmutation window
- Added more possible spawn locations for rifts
- Removed the name of the rifts from the system notification
- Autopowerups will now stop when leaving dungeons or pvp areas
- Added the chance to drop Fruit Punch from all monster between Level 131 and 149
- Lowered the respawn time of Nightmare Giants in Cascada
- The guild window will now recognize Discord links in the guild notice and show a button to directly join the server
- Stat and buff pet window will now remember the last position it was closed on Seems like it's buggy
- Added Banishing Stone to quick sell
- Added an option to show item drops on the minimap
- Every Kalgas has now a higher chance to get through your Range Block by 25%
- Added an option to center your task bar (only usable when using a width higher than 1600px)
- Added 🇰🇿 cloak for the boys to [Fashion] Jenny
- Pinned achievements will not reset when using quick relog

- Removed the possibility to drop Guardian, Historic, Angel and Legendary Golden weapons from normal monsters.
- Lowered the drop rate of all set parts from Lv. 75 to Lv. 105
- Lowered the drop rate of His-, A- and LG weapons from giants
- Increased the drop rate of His-, A- and LG weapons inside of the new low level dungeons
- Increased the drop rate of all set parts from Lv. 75 to Lv. 105 inside of the new low level dungeons
- Increase the respawn time of Madrigal giants slightly

- Lowered the monster density in Rartesia, Dark Rartesia, Tower B1, B2, B3, B4, B5 and all of Madrigal
-- Practically reverting the season 3 spawn rates
- Increased the spawn times from monsters in Darkon 3 slightly
- Removed the monsters in the beginning of death race
- Increased the amount of monsters in death race
- Added a path of Mothbees from Flaris to SM to make it easier to farm them 
- Added Raid specific Remantis Laccotte
-- Every raid participant will get 300 free Raid Remantis Laccotte, you can find these in your inventory. After a Raid these Remantis will be removed from your inventory again

- Fixed a bug that allowed magic skills with an innate element (such as all elementor skills) to gain a flat 10% dmg if the weapon used had the same element applied to it, regardless of level
-- With this fix, to gain the full 10% increased damage, a weapon element has to be upgraded to +20 (SPECIFICALLY FOR MAGIC SKILLS, AUTO ATTACKS AND SUCH ARE UNCHANGED)
-- Every element will now increase the skill damage with a matching element by 0.5% per upgrade level

- Fixed Lv. 5/6 STR/STA/DEX Glyphs having 10 more stats than intended
- Fixed a client crash in the new transmutation window
- Fixed the client web shop not loading correctly
- Fixed a pop up message in the new autopowerups window
- Fixed a bug that showed the wrong difficulty of a rift in the Server Calendar
- Fixed a bug where it would not be possible to open party & guild rifts on all channels
- Fixed a spot you could get stuck at in Kalgas
- Fixed a bug where Easy Red Meteonyker would not use all of it's attacks
- Fixed a bug that had the wrong rift boss pet in the auction
- Fixed a bug that Nightmare Rift monsters wouldn't count towards the kill achievement
- Fixed a bug that caused the powerup row to be larger than intended
- Fixed a bug that caused glyph refill to not work properly when it was expired
- Fixed a bug that caused achievements related to the auto-powerup feature to not work anymore
- Fixed a bug where premium bonuses would work in preset areas
- Fixed a bug that Nightmare Majmun couldn't spawn
- Fixed a visual bug where party skills would show up with 24d duration
- Fixed a bug where it would not be possible to send mails without items when having premium active
- Fixed a bug where Anathema would use a broken idle animation 

Season 4 Launch Date

Season 4 Announcement!

Starting July 15th, we will start releasing new information about the upcoming Season every day. This will include changes to current systems, a season manifesto, new features coming with the Season 4 launch patch, a compilation of all the changes added after the end of Season 3 and the full patch notes leading up to the release of Season 4.

Season 4 will be released on 29 July 2022 18:00.

The first post on July 15th will be a Season FAQ with questions you can post in the s4-ask-us-anything channel that you can come up with.

P.S: We will remind everyone 10 days before Season 4 releases again, but just so everyone knows if you intend to play and have not been voting, we are not resetting the vote buff on Season 4 start. This means, if you want the full vote buff, start getting your vote streak early! 

P.S.S: @Jugachi and @Nikko will be hosting an FAQ Stream on the 28 July 2022 20:00 for any questions that you might still have!

Patch Notes 4.5.0

Big patch :cwpog:

Probably the last big one before S4 launch. 


Orb Rework - Glyphs
- Glyphs are the reworked version of Angelic Orbs. While Angelic Orbs allowed for more character customization and power, glyphs add onto that powerphantasy with increased variety of effects, upgrading and increased rarity!
- Full guide

Server Rifts
- Rifts have started appearing all over madrigal. Monsters that carry otherworldly materials and riches can be found there for the adventurers that have the valor to challenge those beings up to 3 times per day. Rifts come in three difficulty modes, namely normal, strange and unusual. Higher difficulties give mode drops and have a chance to give better materials.
- Full guide

Bead Shop
- You can access the new Bead Shop through your pet's status window
- All common beads can be purchased with two clicks everywhere
- You can filter the beads by name or stat

- Additionally, you can create your own presets of up to 9 different beads
- The beads will either be placed directly in your pet or in your inventory

Automatic Powerups V2
- Reworked the old Automatic Powerups feature
- You can now save multiple presets and start them independently
- All your characters share your saved presets
- Every preset has a shortcut you can drag&drop to your taskbar

Low level dungeons
- Added 3 new low level dungeons, they are accessible through the teleporter
-- Mars Mine (Level: 70-120)
--- In this dungeon you can easily farm Historic weapons and Lv. 75 sets
-- Temple of Ivillines (Level: 85-120)
--- In this dungeon you can easily farm Angel weapons and Lv. 90 sets.
-- Dekane Mine (Level: 100-120)
--- In this dungeon you can easily farm Legendary Golden weapons and Lv. 105 sets.

- Added a new Scroll of Premium (28d) pet bundle
- Premium users can now send up to 8 items in a single mail
- Added an item tooltip when hovering items in your postbox 
- Lowered the required amount of the achievement Icecream Cake Addict from 200k to 20k
- Added Mistletoe Sets to Fashion Transy
- Removed the 500 Penya cost for sending mails 
- Increased the drop rate of Colosseum pets and Nightmare Cascada pets
- Increased the damage you can deal towards a World boss 
- Removed basic jewelry (Gore-, Mental-, Peision Necklace, Demol-, Plug Earring, Vigor-, Stam-, Arek and Intelli Ring) from the drop table.
-- You can now buy them at [Jewel & Dice Manager] Peach for 1 million Penya
-- You can now remove those items from your blacklist 🙂 

- Added your current and the server time below your mini map
-- You can disable it when clicking on the small filter arrow

- Added more functionality to the "Escape" motion
-- Additionally to its current ability to teleport you to the nearest town, the motion can be used in instances to teleport to the revival point in that instance. 
-- The intended use for this, is to use this in emergency cases in a dungeon or in raid, if you manage to get stuck on terrain.

- Transmutation update: You can now add pets to your transmutation list. This will save the skin on your character and you can use it multiple times on your pets. When activating a pet skin, the pet will be removed. When skinning a pet with a skin, it will get soul-linked.
- Reworked the transmutation window
-- Added tabs for weapons, armor and pets
-- Added a search bar that allows you to filter certain skins

- Added 109 new achievements
-- 8 Adventure achievements
-- 16 Raid achievements
-- 36 Rift achievements
-- 20 Clash achievements
-- 10 Dungeon achievements
-- 19 Pet Hunter achievements

- Fixed farm counter not tracking items correctly when you are in a party
- Fixed a bug with the achievement Dragon Hunt, which didn't include the easy difficulty of the dungeon 
- Fixed some features not working correctly if windows scaling was set to over 100%
- Fixed weekly challenges to be messed up under certain circumstances
- Fixed the texture of the tree roots in the Valley of the Risen 
- Fixed a bug where some pets could not be send via mails
- Fixed a bug where pang's offer would disappear if you are in another time zone than the server
- Fixed a bug that prevented players from reviving in the Red Meteonyker/Wilds dungeon 

Server stability
We upgraded all of our servers to 64 bit to ensure stable servers once Season 4 launches. In our testing phase we did not encounter any problems anymore, but that does not mean there aren't any. We will closely monitor the servers and there might be issues, so beware. 

Patch 4.4.3

- Merged some options in the petfilter to give us more space for future items/filters
- Added a new event achievement
- Added a checkbox to the F-Tool which let's you choose if you want to disable the F-Tool when minimizing the client or not

- Fixed a bug where adding items to petfilter white/blacklist would switch the list
- Fixed a bug where an incorrect amount of awake lines would be given on certain items. Those awakes are automatically removed 
- Fixed a bug in the event dungeon, where you would get stuck
- Fixed some skill tooltips showing wrong data
- Fixed the client performance dropping when hovering quickly over items 

Patch 4.4.2

- Added "Add From Wiki" buttons to petfilter white/blacklist
- Added a new guild permission for Guild Clash. Users with the permission can do the line up.
- Premium users can access their mail box through their inventory now 
- Monsters will now be shown on the minimap inside of dungeons 
- Weapons will now be hidden when on a mount 
- It is now possible to add a nickname for saved accounts
- Personal chest now has sorting options
- Added "Awake Info" and "Angel's Awake Info" windows displaying all possible awakes
- Equalised all monster spawns in Eldeon
- Re-located Anathema & Mahlorn to less annoying spots 
- Removed unused stats from all Yggdrasil sets
- Awakes are now only possible when putting the correct "reversion" item

- Fixed a bug where stats would be messed up after using Star weapons
- Fixed a bug that caused Scroll of INT to give DEX stats
- Fixed a bug where the Transmog window wouldn't show your equip properly
- Fixed a bug that prevented you from deleting items from your petfilter black/-whitelist
- Fixed a bug that caused Nightmare Batto to be more flappy than intended 

User CP

Clockworks Information

Exp Rate
Drop Rate
Penya Rate