Patch Notes 5.0.9

- Increased Pokemon spawns 
- If you try to join an open dungeon, but it has closed before you enter it, you will need to confirm that you want to open a new dungeon instead
- Added mouse wheel scrolling in messenger window

- Fixed a bug where Angel Awakening Reversion would not work on soul-linked items
- Fixed a bug where "new" Pokemon pets would not show the ball they were caught with
- Fixed a bug where "new" Pokemon would not count to achievement progress
- Fixed a bug where "new" worldbosses would have wrong settings
- Fixed a bug where Penya on the ground would not be picked up by pets with enabled pet filter
- Fixed a bug where Auto Powerups could be overwritten by a mistake
- Fixed a bug where Auto Powerups would be stopped after every teleport 
- Fixed a bug where Blinkpool would not work on slopes
- Fixed a frequent client crash after teleporting
- Fixed Raid being counted as a PVP world
- Fixed a bug that caused Guild Clash line up to fail
- Fixed a bug where Raid Laccotte would not get re-added after a re-log in Raids
- Fixed a bug that caused sunfall monsters to not give more pet experience
- Fixed a bug where shields would not be hidden when using the "Hide weapons on mounts" option
- Fixed a bug where several normal mode dungeons would not give achievement progress
- Fixed a few bugs with the new taskbar 
- Possibly fixed the frequent crashes with Persian and Tauros mounts/pets
- Fixed a bug where icons on the taskbar could disappear

- Fixed a bug where some SFX would scale up infinitely
- The timer in Colosseum/Endless Tower is now lower and saves the position when moved
- Fixed Enrage effects not being shown in Raids 
- Fixed DPS Meter not working in Raids
- Fixed a few bugs in Bead Shops 
- Another try for fixing Persian/Tauros mounts/pets
- Fixed a bug where you would be able to re-fill a Glyph before it was equipped once
- Fixed a bug where "Target Change" option would not target the nearest monster attacking you
- Another try for fixing Persian/Tauros mounts/pets
- Eldeon Parchment can not be sold for over 50m Penya in shops anymore
- Fixed a bug where Party Skills could not be placed on the Quick Taskbar
- Fixed a bug where locking the Taskbar would not lock the Quick Taskbar

Patch Notes 5.0.8

What are our plans for the next weeks?
With the season start chaos behind us and the majority of issues of new systems being fixed or improved, we will start shifting our focus to working through and implementing as many suggestions as possible into the game. Afterwards, we will start working on the new features we promised on the roadmap.

Royal Rumble
- Removed Int Stick from Royal Seraph
- Renamed "Royal Seraph" to "Royal Seraph - Crit"
- Added new Seraph Preset "Royal Seraph - Caster"
- Adjusted prices of all power ups purchaseable at [Royal Rumble] Lee

Memento Siege
- Added a Caster set of items to the Memento preset of Seraph
-- Fixed Bloodbane Stick missing its angel's blessing
- Player/Guild rifts will now start automatically once they reach the maximum amount of registered players
- F-Tool now offers possibility to use the Quick Taskbar
- Removed Darkon as a shop area
- Optimized how loading of textures work in V2 model cache
- Added which Endless Tower version you need to clear in the quest log for the Eldeon Sphere Grid Quest line. 
- Added a description to various daily quest items where you can find them.
-- Search for the item in the item wiki and the location will be displayed there.
- After you've visited a shop, the shop search will mark these items as seen
- The most frequent crash after having the client open for a long period of time was running out of memory
-- I've added a force clear of unused resources once that memory is about to run out 
- Adjusted the damage reduction in rifts to be more forgiving
- Reduced the needed amount of Mythical Stones to refill a Glyph by 60%
- Reduced the starting bid of Glyphs and Mythical Stones by 90% 
- Increased the chance to receive an Angel Coin Box from chests in Mysterious Garden, Ragefire Chasm and Stratholme by 50% (unintended nerf)
- Increased the amount of Pet EXP monsters on Sunfall Island give by 25%

- Fixed a bug where worldbosses would not be removed correctly from the map
- Fixed a bug where Pokemon caught in Rifts/Worldbosses would not show the used Pokeball
- Fixed a bug where Pokemon rifts would "bug out" by not couting kills anymore
- Fixed a bug where you would be able to couple-teleport to dead characters
- Fixed a bug where "Enable moving drop render" option would not work 
- Fixed a lot of small text errors from items, teleporter etc.
- Fixed a spot in Ragefire Chasm where you could get stuck
- Fixed a bug that caused Sunfall monsters to not be affected by eldeon effects (increased exp, penya, atk, def)
- Locked items can not be used with Angel Awakening
- Fixed a bug that caused your animation to not load on a mount after re-logging
- Fixed a bug where the damage reduction in rifts was not correctly calculated
- Fixed a bug where rift portals would not refund the requirement items when not enough players signed up
- Fixed a bug where some quests from the Eldeon quest line would not count on party kills 

Patch Notes 5.0.7

Dungeon Entries
- Reduced the amount of entries of several dungeons:
-- Clockworks War 4 -> 2
-- Red Meteonyker 3 -> 2
-- The Wilds 6 -> 4
-- Savage Wilds 6 -> 4
-- Isle of Dreams 6 -> 4
-- Isle of Nightmare 6 -> 4
-- Cove of the Ancients 6 -> 4
-- Abyssal Cove of the Ancients 6 -> 4
-- Les Britannia S 6 -> 4
-- La Christiana A 6 -> 4
-- Aminus 5 -> 4
-- Cursed Aminus 5 -> 4
-- Catacombs of Anguish 4 -> 3
-- Ankou's Asylum 3 -> 2
-- Kalgas Cave 3 -> 2
-- Mysterious Garden 3 -> 2
-- Ragefire Chasm 3 -> 2
-- Stratholme 3 -> 2 
- Increased all drop rates to keep the amount of items coming from those dungeons about the same

- Optimized a lot of SFX rendering code
- Optimized a lot of animation/state handling
- Improved the effect "Hide all Players & SFX" and "Hide all Players" has on the performance
- In general: The game now has 20%-40% more FPS in my tests, which should help with lags in raids or other high populated areas

- Reworked how model caching works on the server. It is now possible to switch between the modes
-- Off: Disable Model Caching. Especially useful for Collectors/Vendors due to less RAM usage. Once an object is not in sight anymore, it gets removed from memory.
-- V1: The normal Model Caching that has been used on CW for years. Once an object is not in sight anymore, it will be flagged for deletion in 2-3 minutes.
-- V2:  An alternative version of Model Caching. Up to 2000 objects will remain in memory. Once new objects are added, everything will be removed from memory, that is not used and goes over the threshold. Has not been tested thoroughly enough on a large scale, so might have issues. Same applies to SFX with 1000 objects. 
--- V2 might increase the performance, especially in raids or other high frequented areas

- Fixed the "bug" that caused your client to be slower and slower the longer you have it open
Sunfall Island
- Normalized armour stats across all monsters on Sunfall Island
- Adjusted HP numbers of monsters to increase exponentially instead of linearly
-- Players gain different power stacking stats over time, letting them deal more and more damage the more gear they get
- Reduced the amount of HP monsters have on Sunfall towards the top end
- Adjusted penya, drop and exp rates on Sunfall Island
- Reworked all spawns to be more uniform in density
-- Feel free to do your testing and document your findings in

- Dead players will not receive any rewards in Raid anymore
- Added -fullscreen and -nofullscreen options for your Neuz shortcut, to start the game in fullscreen or windowed mode
- Changed how the chat blacklist filter works. You can now hide system chat messages too. Blacklist is accessible through the chat window -> filter 
- Re-enabled the Royal Rumble shout. If you do not want to see it, blacklist it
- Added an icon on the big map that indicated where Worldbosses and Rifts are located
- Improved attack animation handling to reduce „ghost hits“ in PVP
- Capped Sphere Grid EXP in Endless Tower to max. 5000 EXP per stage
- Added a "Scroll of Party Level Save" to save your parties' level for 300 CWT to the Web Shop. Especially useful for Achievement hunter when we are patching
- Added "Disabled Aura" to the Aura NPC and Web Shop to disable your character's glow completely
- Reworked Sphere Grid EXP rewards of Eldeon Quest line
- Added Sphere Grid Reset item to the Webshop 

- Fixed a bug where AFK protection would proc within raid auctions
- Fixed a bug where Sphere Grid stats would be messed up after memento areas
- Fixed a bug where some buffs would disappear randomly
- Fixed the Deathwing map not working
- Fixed some spots in Ragefire Chasm where pets could fall down and get stuck
- Fixed a bug where Quick Taskbar would copy shortcuts instead of moving them
- Fixed a bug where Couple teleport cooldown would be wrong
- Fixed a bug where Rangdas would not spawn at all
- Fixed a bug where the client would start with a wrong resolution in fullscreen modes
- Fixed a bug where [Ultimate] Chiton Card would not kill you correctly
- Fixed a bug where a server restart could give the wrong guild crown
- Fixed a bug that caused the client to freeze when opening the map
- Fixed a bug where linked items in private chats would show they are expired when they were not.
- Fixed a bug where transmuted Stat pets would be hidden by "Hide Pickup Pets" setting
- Fixed some walls in Ankous Asylum to not block monsters from walking through them
- Fixed a bug where some damage types would count to achievements and records - i.e. reflect dmg, monster cards

- Fixed Sunfall monsters using pre-patch drop and penya values instead of the new ones

- Fixed [Worldboss] Ho-Oh having its damage cap disabled
- Fixed Daily Challenges giving impossible dungeon tasks
- Removed damage cap to Worldbosses on main server

Patch Notes Enabled Rifts again
- Auto Powerup system will now check for untradeable powerups to consume them first
- Increased Legend Score for completing dungeons

- Fixed Yggdrasil Harlequin Armor Set (M) having their Masks switched
- Fixed an error in the german translation
- Fixed a bug where Anarchy buffs would have wrong times after a server crash
- Fixed Server Quests not stating how much or what has to be farmed
- Fixed some event items having inconsistent names
- Fixed an issue where Server Quests could buff Righteous Orb
- Fixed a bug where SFX would not render properly
- Fixed a bug where Rift requirement items would be consumend even if no Rift was started
- Fixed the achievement "Cursed Dungeons" not working in the easy mode of the dungeon 
- Fixed a bug that made Sunfall monsters drop 4x the intended rate of Pokemon Coins

Patch Notes 5.0.5

Sunfall Island
- Reworked the density and respawn timings of all monsters
- Reduced magic defense of all monsters
- Adjusted the Drop, Penya and EXP rate of all monsters
- Adjusted the HP breakpoints for almost all monsters
- Made it more likely for monsters to block ranged attacks
-- As Crackshooters would have been able to abuse the newest changes to dramatically, this was the "fairest" way we determined to balance out their superiority through range and damage breakpoints 

- Changed Flame Geyser bleed duration from 25 seconds to 6 seconds
- Decreased the likelyhood of Cimetiere's Scream dot ticking fewer times than intended

Craft of Hephaestus
- Added a range attack to monsters
- Added melee and range block penetration to monsters and mid bosses
- Increased the drop rate to this seasons planned maximum
- Increased the difficulty of the fight against [Primal Creator] Hephaestus
-- Added Melee and Range block penetration
-- Spawned minions deal more damage 
-- Spawned patterns deal more damage 
-- Lowered the enrage time from 10 minutes to 7.5 minutes

Castle Raid
- Set the minimum Angel Rank to join Castle Raid to 50
- Increased the amount of Raid Remantis Laccotte to 500 per match per player
- Tweaked AFK detection a bit to sort out more 'abusers'. It is still a banable offense to grief Raids on purpose
- In the near future we want to make changes going in to the direction of suggestion #5641 

Advanced Options
- Reworked the advanced options window
-- Added new option "Hide Weapons on Mounts"
-- Added new option "Close Chat with ESC"
-- Added new option "Hide weapon glow in inventory"
-- Added new option "Show heal values"
-- Added new option "Disable Combat Stance"
-- Added new option "Hide all players". Default hotkey is CTRL + -
--- It will hide all other players, just like "Hide all players & SFX", but will keep the SFX enabled
-- Added new option "Hide Dungeon Objectives"
-- Added a new option to use colored Action Slot shortcuts 

- Moving items from your bag with rightclick and shift will keep one item in the bag
- Added hotkeys for Sphere Grid and Instant Bead Shop to options
- Renamed channels of ticketed areas to "Layers"
- Aahan spawns on all servers channels now, but only on Eldeon Layer 1
- Re-coded a lot of the Inventory window code, fixing numerous bugs
- Re-coded a lot of the "Item Link" feature
-- Switching chat channels will not remove item links in the chat
-- Item Link will now check for the actual item and not the link if the item was changed/deleted/etc.
-- You can now use the $ symbol in chat again lol
- Added "Gift of Divine" Anarchy buff to be purchasable with VP
- Added a summarized stats window to the Sphere Grid window
- Added a teleport point to [Area] Eldeon - Sunfall City for all you lazy people who can't enjoy a tiny bit of lore 
- Marking items in shop search will now remove focus from any text fields
- Added a description where you can obtain Scroll of Reversion, Scroll of Pet Blessing (Pick-Up Pets) and Scroll of Pet Reversion (Raised Pets)
- Added a border around the walkable path in Mysterious Garden for the bigmap (M)
- Changed the Royal Rumble and Memento Siege Seraph stick preset for the Bloodbane Stick from ICD to INT
- Added the boss element of each dungeon to the teleporter
- Added the possibility to add friends from the guild list

- I followed clear instructions and added a "Quick Taskbar". It is useable with Alt+number keys. You can disable it in options. 

- Fixed a bug where Wangrim on Sunfall Island would snare you
- Fixed a bug where element tooltip would not show correctly on certain monsters
- Fixed a bug where Quick Pet Mistake selection would reset after clicking the window
- Fixed Pet Glow (White) being black
- Fixed a bug where Glyphs did not apply stats if you did not reach Angel Rank yet
- Fixed a bug where one Sphere could not be unlocked
- Fixed a client crash that occurred when manually upgrading items
- Fixed some no-walk zones missing in Ankou's Asylum, that caused monsters to spawn inside walls
- Fixed a bug where item reward from Raid or Rifts would not count to achievements
- Fixed a bug where F-Tool would freeze the client if you opened the post box
- Fixed a bug where items would not show the tooltip correctly in the mailbox
- Fixed a bug where CC'd targets would not get any damage in PVP
- Fixed a bug where your attack would be cancelled if your target jumped
- Fixed client freezes when selling a lot of items via quick sell
- Fixed a bug where dungeon completion logs would not be saved correctly. This means that the statistics for were affected and you have to re-do your runs
- Group with the highest Endless Tower Stage clear (ordered by time)
- Group with the fastest Dark Trails clear time at the end of the Season
- Fixed a bug where follow patterns would not work at all  :Sadge:  I broke them over a year ago :Sadge:  They back now :Sadge:

- Fixed re-connect not working in Raids. You will loose the free Remantis though 

- Fixed the random speed bug 
- Fixed the M map not showing monster names anymore
- Fixed items in bags not showing tooltips
- Fixed re-roll window showing wrong values for atk
- Fixed item bugs that caused bank/shops/etc to not work correctly
- Fixed a bug where window positions would not be saved correctly
- Some other minor fixes

- Removed Blockrate in Sunfall for every class, except Crackshooter

Patch Notes 5.0.4

Guild Siege
- Since we can all now agree on that reducing Memento Siege did not bring new players in Siege, we are re-enabling it on the previous days again 

In an effort to make Siege more attractive to a wider array of players, we have made the following changes:
1. Reduce amount of Siege Medals gained by players from 700 base + 100 per kill (up to 800) to 500 base + 100 per kill (up to 500 total for kills)
2. Reduce amount of Siege Medals gained by guilds from up to (1500, 1250, 1000, 750, 500) to up to (1000, 800, 600, 400, 200) based on ranking
3. Give every participant 1x [Chance] Box of Fashion (1.5k Siege Medal value)
4. Give every participant who has killed at least 5 players 1x [Chance] Box of Bones (1.5k Siege Medal value)
5. Introduce a "Guild War Participant" and "Guild War Winner" buffs. Give participants 4x Itemized Buffs each
-- Guild War Participant - Itemized Buff - 2% EXP Rate, 2% Drop Rate, 2% Penya Rate
-- Guild War Winner - Itemized Buff - 3% EXP Rate, 3% Drop Rate, 3% Penya Rate
-- Buffs cannot be combined, only one buff can be active at a time
Players now receive fewer Siege Medals, but receive the compensatory Chance Boxes that most Siege Medal purchases were used for anyway.
The reduction of Medals gained is to offset the cost of the new participation and kill boxes.

- Doubled the range in which attacks can connect in PVP
- Fixed a bug where hits, especially in PVP, would not connect if the target jumped

Memento Siege
1. Change amount of Siege Medals gained to 500 + 100 per kill (up to 500)
2. Do not give an Itemized buff or Chance Boxes

Craft of Hephaestus
- Reduced the damage Hephaestus takes by 50%
- Reduced the HP Hephaestus has by 50%
- Fixed a bug that caused Hephaestus Enrage to not make him gain the proper amount of HP due to limitations
- Increased the max. amount of HP gained in enrage from 50% to 100%
- Increased the max. amount of ATK gained in enrage from 200% to 300% 

- Reduced the duration of the Cimetiere's Scream debuff from 11 seconds to 5 seconds
- Changed Echoes of the Weary from a snare to a stun

Eldeon - Sunfall Island
- Changed the HP, EXP, Penya and Drop values of 10 monsters in Sunfall Island
-- One of the oversights we made when introducing this island was that it was only balanced for 1v1 farming at the very end game
-- To adress this, we have added 10 different HP tiers/break points to monsters, the lowest starting at 210k HP, with the highest going up to 3.2m
-- That way players can choose the most efficient monsters for them to kill that allow them to reach 1/2/3/x hit breakpoints
- Made all monsters on Sunfall Island completely aoe Immune 

Resurrection Fatigue
- Each time a player dies in a dungeon, that player receives a debuff that lasts 90 seconds
- This debuff, similar to dungeon objectives, is stackable
- Once the debuff reaches its highest tier, level 3, that player cannot be resurrected for 90 seconds by using the Assist Resurrection spell
- While the debuff is applied to a player, that player cannot be teleported by players using any means (couple teleport, Friendship)
-- This change is specifically made to combat the overpowered/degenerate strategy of simply death tanking any boss through sheer amount of bodies instead of fulfilling the minimum gear requirements 

- Royal Rumble winner shout will only be shown to participants now
- Server Calendar will now save the local time conversion check upon re-opening
- Chat history will now be recorded in Guild Siege when you re-open the chat 

- Fixed a bug where Item Transy (B) would not work properly on Lv. 130 sets
- Fixed a bug where your target would not be reset after killing a player in Royal Rumble
- Fixed a bug where the Discord button in the guild window would not work for guild members
- Fixed a bug where the monsters in Endless Tower Stage 16 wouldn't deal any dmg
- Fixed a bug where Hunter Games would start at the wrong days
- Fixed a bug where you could not rejoin Endless Tower or Colosseum
-- Reminder: You can only rejoin if you crashed, while not being dead, and between stages
- Fixed a bug where Sphere Grid would be unlocked in Colosseum 

- Adjusted the Brar penya drop rate to reflect the gear requirement to kill them efficiently more adequately
- Fixed an issue that made it impossible to join a dungeon in certain circumstances 

User CP

Clockworks Information

Exp Rate
Drop Rate
Penya Rate