- Increased the overall difficulty of Colosseum
-- Send your feedback to @Jugachi 
- Revisited the colosseum shop 

- Changed the attack patterns of event dungeons monsters from range to melee attacks
- Lowered the difficulty of the event dungeon
- Removed one time use of weapon skins
- Fixed the server quests requirement for the event item
- Fixed a bug that caused event dungeon monsters to respawn
- Fixed a bug that caused you to respawn inside of the event dungeon
- Fixed descriptions of the server quests 

- Added more Halloween items for event items and CWT 👀

- Added Rosposa spawns in the water area near the Battos in Cascada and Neo Cascada
- Reworked the spawn rates in Kaillun Grassland
- Enabled 3 char long character names
- Improved client startup speed when login world preview is disabled
- Fixed a bug where animated hats would have bugged hair
- Fixed a bug where animated fashion like wings would not be shown in character select screen
- Fixed some fashion items bugging the character name position
- Fixed a memory leak when using animated fashion
- Fixed some wing sizes