Probably next patch we will release the Dungeon Speedrun feature. The rewards are still in commission and we are waiting for them.
We are also working on a new event :eyes:

Changes to Transmog system:
-- Equipped items will not be unlocked automatically anymore
-- Added a message when a skin is activated
-- Changed "Activate Fashion Skin" functionality to "Unlock Skin". You can unlock skins of equipment and fashion items there now.
-- You can now use items from other classes, except for weapons
-- Added more warnings if you are about to break an item

- Added a new Premium Bundle: Premium (28 Days) + Baal Pet
- Added Mythical Ticket - Queen of Cats Mount to [Mythical Ticket] Loraine
- Added "Scroll of Weapon Glow (None)" to [Aura Changer] Aurelia NPC and the Web Shop. It will remove your element glow on the weapon.
- Added search function to Achievements. You can search for achievement titles, descriptions or rewards.
- Added search function to Title Tracker. It will filter the list of titles and only show matching ones.
- Added Dark Assassin Set (M) to [Siege Medals Shop] Suray
- Added an option to hide all set glows
- Added an option to hide all weapon glows
- Added Season fashion and Dark Assassin Set to Item Transy (F)
- Added Pet Aura (Black) 15 Days to [Aura Changer] Aurelia and [Pet Tamer]

- Party window will now show the channel a player is on
- Enabled DPS meter in Raids for everyone
- Items in your inventory, that can not be equipped, will be marked red now. You can disable this QOL in the options.
- Saved accounts in Quick Login can now be moved up or down. The list will not be auto-sorted anymore
- Boss monster kills in dungeons will now count for all party member's achievements/challenges/etc.
- Guild member list will not be "randomized" once someone logs out now
- Removed an unobtainable pet from the teleporter
- Removed "Whisper" chat tab. It is still usable, just the button was removed
- Optimized set glow to be less performance hungry
- Optimized damage rendering massively, it should now lag less in crowded areas where a lot of players fight
- Improved german translation
- Increased price of Mythical Tickets that do not give skins

- Fixed a bug where items could get lost in case of a server crash after your vendor expired
- Fixed a bug where some items would not be un-/lockable
- Fixed a bug in the Model Viewer where you would not be able to view two Blade weapons
- Fixed Angel skills being messed up after Memento
- Fixed the achievement "Fresh Ddukguk Addict" not be achievable