Patch Notes 5.0.7
Dungeon Entries
- Reduced the amount of entries of several dungeons:
-- Clockworks War 4 -> 2
-- Red Meteonyker 3 -> 2
-- The Wilds 6 -> 4
-- Savage Wilds 6 -> 4
-- Isle of Dreams 6 -> 4
-- Isle of Nightmare 6 -> 4
-- Cove of the Ancients 6 -> 4
-- Abyssal Cove of the Ancients 6 -> 4
-- Les Britannia S 6 -> 4
-- La Christiana A 6 -> 4
-- Aminus 5 -> 4
-- Cursed Aminus 5 -> 4
-- Catacombs of Anguish 4 -> 3
-- Ankou's Asylum 3 -> 2
-- Kalgas Cave 3 -> 2
-- Mysterious Garden 3 -> 2
-- Ragefire Chasm 3 -> 2
-- Stratholme 3 -> 2
- Increased all drop rates to keep the amount of items coming from those dungeons about the same
- Optimized a lot of SFX rendering code
- Optimized a lot of animation/state handling
- Improved the effect "Hide all Players & SFX" and "Hide all Players" has on the performance
- In general: The game now has 20%-40% more FPS in my tests, which should help with lags in raids or other high populated areas
- Reworked how model caching works on the server. It is now possible to switch between the modes
-- Off: Disable Model Caching. Especially useful for Collectors/Vendors due to less RAM usage. Once an object is not in sight anymore, it gets removed from memory.
-- V1: The normal Model Caching that has been used on CW for years. Once an object is not in sight anymore, it will be flagged for deletion in 2-3 minutes.
-- V2: An alternative version of Model Caching. Up to 2000 objects will remain in memory. Once new objects are added, everything will be removed from memory, that is not used and goes over the threshold. Has not been tested thoroughly enough on a large scale, so might have issues. Same applies to SFX with 1000 objects.
--- V2 might increase the performance, especially in raids or other high frequented areas
- Fixed the "bug" that caused your client to be slower and slower the longer you have it open
Sunfall Island
- Normalized armour stats across all monsters on Sunfall Island
- Adjusted HP numbers of monsters to increase exponentially instead of linearly
-- Players gain different power stacking stats over time, letting them deal more and more damage the more gear they get
- Reduced the amount of HP monsters have on Sunfall towards the top end
- Adjusted penya, drop and exp rates on Sunfall Island
- Reworked all spawns to be more uniform in density
-- Feel free to do your testing and document your findings in
- Dead players will not receive any rewards in Raid anymore
- Added -fullscreen and -nofullscreen options for your Neuz shortcut, to start the game in fullscreen or windowed mode
- Changed how the chat blacklist filter works. You can now hide system chat messages too. Blacklist is accessible through the chat window -> filter
- Re-enabled the Royal Rumble shout. If you do not want to see it, blacklist it
- Added an icon on the big map that indicated where Worldbosses and Rifts are located
- Improved attack animation handling to reduce „ghost hits“ in PVP
- Capped Sphere Grid EXP in Endless Tower to max. 5000 EXP per stage
- Added a "Scroll of Party Level Save" to save your parties' level for 300 CWT to the Web Shop. Especially useful for Achievement hunter when we are patching
- Added "Disabled Aura" to the Aura NPC and Web Shop to disable your character's glow completely
- Reworked Sphere Grid EXP rewards of Eldeon Quest line
- Added Sphere Grid Reset item to the Webshop
- Fixed a bug where AFK protection would proc within raid auctions
- Fixed a bug where Sphere Grid stats would be messed up after memento areas
- Fixed a bug where some buffs would disappear randomly
- Fixed the Deathwing map not working
- Fixed some spots in Ragefire Chasm where pets could fall down and get stuck
- Fixed a bug where Quick Taskbar would copy shortcuts instead of moving them
- Fixed a bug where Couple teleport cooldown would be wrong
- Fixed a bug where Rangdas would not spawn at all
- Fixed a bug where the client would start with a wrong resolution in fullscreen modes
- Fixed a bug where [Ultimate] Chiton Card would not kill you correctly
- Fixed a bug where a server restart could give the wrong guild crown
- Fixed a bug that caused the client to freeze when opening the map
- Fixed a bug where linked items in private chats would show they are expired when they were not.
- Fixed a bug where transmuted Stat pets would be hidden by "Hide Pickup Pets" setting
- Fixed some walls in Ankous Asylum to not block monsters from walking through them
- Fixed a bug where some damage types would count to achievements and records - i.e. reflect dmg, monster cards
- Fixed Sunfall monsters using pre-patch drop and penya values instead of the new ones
- Fixed [Worldboss] Ho-Oh having its damage cap disabled
- Fixed Daily Challenges giving impossible dungeon tasks
- Removed damage cap to Worldbosses on main server
Patch Notes Enabled Rifts again
- Auto Powerup system will now check for untradeable powerups to consume them first
- Increased Legend Score for completing dungeons
- Fixed Yggdrasil Harlequin Armor Set (M) having their Masks switched
- Fixed an error in the german translation
- Fixed a bug where Anarchy buffs would have wrong times after a server crash
- Fixed Server Quests not stating how much or what has to be farmed
- Fixed some event items having inconsistent names
- Fixed an issue where Server Quests could buff Righteous Orb
- Fixed a bug where SFX would not render properly
- Fixed a bug where Rift requirement items would be consumend even if no Rift was started
- Fixed the achievement "Cursed Dungeons" not working in the easy mode of the dungeon
- Fixed a bug that made Sunfall monsters drop 4x the intended rate of Pokemon Coins