Patch Notes 5.0.5
Sunfall Island
- Reworked the density and respawn timings of all monsters
- Reduced magic defense of all monsters
- Adjusted the Drop, Penya and EXP rate of all monsters
- Adjusted the HP breakpoints for almost all monsters
- Made it more likely for monsters to block ranged attacks
-- As Crackshooters would have been able to abuse the newest changes to dramatically, this was the "fairest" way we determined to balance out their superiority through range and damage breakpoints
- Changed Flame Geyser bleed duration from 25 seconds to 6 seconds
- Decreased the likelyhood of Cimetiere's Scream dot ticking fewer times than intended
Craft of Hephaestus
- Added a range attack to monsters
- Added melee and range block penetration to monsters and mid bosses
- Increased the drop rate to this seasons planned maximum
- Increased the difficulty of the fight against [Primal Creator] Hephaestus
-- Added Melee and Range block penetration
-- Spawned minions deal more damage
-- Spawned patterns deal more damage
-- Lowered the enrage time from 10 minutes to 7.5 minutes
Castle Raid
- Set the minimum Angel Rank to join Castle Raid to 50
- Increased the amount of Raid Remantis Laccotte to 500 per match per player
- Tweaked AFK detection a bit to sort out more 'abusers'. It is still a banable offense to grief Raids on purpose
- In the near future we want to make changes going in to the direction of suggestion #5641
Advanced Options
- Reworked the advanced options window
-- Added new option "Hide Weapons on Mounts"
-- Added new option "Close Chat with ESC"
-- Added new option "Hide weapon glow in inventory"
-- Added new option "Show heal values"
-- Added new option "Disable Combat Stance"
-- Added new option "Hide all players". Default hotkey is CTRL + -
--- It will hide all other players, just like "Hide all players & SFX", but will keep the SFX enabled
-- Added new option "Hide Dungeon Objectives"
-- Added a new option to use colored Action Slot shortcuts
- Moving items from your bag with rightclick and shift will keep one item in the bag
- Added hotkeys for Sphere Grid and Instant Bead Shop to options
- Renamed channels of ticketed areas to "Layers"
- Aahan spawns on all servers channels now, but only on Eldeon Layer 1
- Re-coded a lot of the Inventory window code, fixing numerous bugs
- Re-coded a lot of the "Item Link" feature
-- Switching chat channels will not remove item links in the chat
-- Item Link will now check for the actual item and not the link if the item was changed/deleted/etc.
-- You can now use the $ symbol in chat again lol
- Added "Gift of Divine" Anarchy buff to be purchasable with VP
- Added a summarized stats window to the Sphere Grid window
- Added a teleport point to [Area] Eldeon - Sunfall City for all you lazy people who can't enjoy a tiny bit of lore
- Marking items in shop search will now remove focus from any text fields
- Added a description where you can obtain Scroll of Reversion, Scroll of Pet Blessing (Pick-Up Pets) and Scroll of Pet Reversion (Raised Pets)
- Added a border around the walkable path in Mysterious Garden for the bigmap (M)
- Changed the Royal Rumble and Memento Siege Seraph stick preset for the Bloodbane Stick from ICD to INT
- Added the boss element of each dungeon to the teleporter
- Added the possibility to add friends from the guild list
- I followed clear instructions and added a "Quick Taskbar". It is useable with Alt+number keys. You can disable it in options.
- Fixed a bug where Wangrim on Sunfall Island would snare you
- Fixed a bug where element tooltip would not show correctly on certain monsters
- Fixed a bug where Quick Pet Mistake selection would reset after clicking the window
- Fixed Pet Glow (White) being black
- Fixed a bug where Glyphs did not apply stats if you did not reach Angel Rank yet
- Fixed a bug where one Sphere could not be unlocked
- Fixed a client crash that occurred when manually upgrading items
- Fixed some no-walk zones missing in Ankou's Asylum, that caused monsters to spawn inside walls
- Fixed a bug where item reward from Raid or Rifts would not count to achievements
- Fixed a bug where F-Tool would freeze the client if you opened the post box
- Fixed a bug where items would not show the tooltip correctly in the mailbox
- Fixed a bug where CC'd targets would not get any damage in PVP
- Fixed a bug where your attack would be cancelled if your target jumped
- Fixed client freezes when selling a lot of items via quick sell
- Fixed a bug where dungeon completion logs would not be saved correctly. This means that the statistics for were affected and you have to re-do your runs
- Group with the highest Endless Tower Stage clear (ordered by time)
- Group with the fastest Dark Trails clear time at the end of the Season
- Fixed a bug where follow patterns would not work at all :Sadge: I broke them over a year ago :Sadge: They back now :Sadge:
- Fixed re-connect not working in Raids. You will loose the free Remantis though
- Fixed the random speed bug
- Fixed the M map not showing monster names anymore
- Fixed items in bags not showing tooltips
- Fixed re-roll window showing wrong values for atk
- Fixed item bugs that caused bank/shops/etc to not work correctly
- Fixed a bug where window positions would not be saved correctly
- Some other minor fixes
- Removed Blockrate in Sunfall for every class, except Crackshooter